So in my opinion, my hubby is a master pumpkin carver! HA! :) He really is good! :) You may remember that last year he took on the challenge of making a pumpkin into Scooby Doo...which is NOT an easy task! :) This year we decided to go with a more traditional pumpkin...and we deicded that we needed a smiley one for Braden's benefit. :) No need for anything scary at this point, right? :)
So Sunday Chris took to the carving. He gets very quiet while he works. He kind of gets into his "pumpkin zone". HA! :) This day was no different. :)

Our wonderful friend Liz was in town from LA..and she was so excited to be a part of the pumpkin carving!! She said she had not carved one since she was a she was right there to help Chris out should he need a hand. :)

Taking care of business. :) My mom bought Chris an electric pumpkin carving knife this year so that it would go a lot quicker. :)

Liz showing us her skills. I gave it a whirl too but seriously, I am NOT a good pumpkin carver! HA! I leave that to the experts! :)

AH HA!! :) The final product! The happy, smiley, "I love Halloween" pumpkin is complete! :)

And all lit up. :)

Braden decided he needed to check out this pumpkin if it was going to be sitting on his front porch! :)

He was slightly confused by the whole ordeal but approved nonetheless! :) At least he understood more than he did last year at 2 months old! HA! :)

He thought the stem was pretty cool. :)

Happiness is pumpkin carving in the fall. :)

Looking forward to the 2011 creation!! :)
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