Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2009..We Have Arrived!! :)

So Chris and I are finally a part of 2009!! HA! :) Our Sprint contract FINALLY expired and we were able to get rid of those horrible Razr phones with the 20 min of battery life. UGH! :( We were hating them, and begging for the contract to come to an end. :) Finally, we were put out of our misery! WHOOP!

On Tuesday night, we went and picked up our new i-phones....which we are already loving. :) We finally feel like we have joined the current year with touch screen phones vs. our old school situation. I had no idea that you could get this much use out of a phone!! Seriously!! And I love having the Internet at my fingertips. Is this what I have been missing? What a treat! :)

On the way out of the Apple store, we got to our car and realized the tire was flat. But even the flat tire could not deter our i-phone excitement!! HA! :)

Looking forward to downloading some of those fun apps for the phone!! Let me know if you have any suggestions for some good ones to get! :) Let the entertainment begin! :)

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