So I just felt the need to do a quick post about the "Snoogle". I have come to realize that this is quite the interesting contraption. :) Everyone kept telling me that I WOULD start to have issues with sleeping by the end of the second trimester if not before. I was sleeping pretty well the entire pregnancy, so I did not really believe them. :) However, I have started to see some of those signs of "sleeping annoyance". I reached out to some friends that had been pregnant before or were currently pregnant, and the majority of them recommended the "Snoogle-total body pillow". So I thought I would run up to Babies R Us and grab one of these jewels. :) After being shocked by the $60ish price point (for a pillow??), I bought it and came home assuming I would sleep like a baby for the remainder of my pregnancy. HA!
Little did I know that the Snoogle was not really a friend to me...and I just did not like it at all! I could not figure out how to sleep with it and remain comfortable all night. I always seemed to have some weird crick in my neck. Ugh! :( So I tried it for a couple of nights...and every morning Chris would get up and see it laying on the floor next to the bed. So of course his comment was "Well, I guess the Snoogle is going back?" :) You got it buddy! :)
Little did I know that the Snoogle was not really a friend to me...and I just did not like it at all! I could not figure out how to sleep with it and remain comfortable all night. I always seemed to have some weird crick in my neck. Ugh! :( So I tried it for a couple of nights...and every morning Chris would get up and see it laying on the floor next to the bed. So of course his comment was "Well, I guess the Snoogle is going back?" :) You got it buddy! :)
So basically I feel like a failure b.c I could not get the ever popular Snoogle to work for me...and thinking I must have done something wrong with that thing. :) So I have retreated back to sleeping with king size pillows on each side of my body...and just hoping that continues to work. And hey...I saved $60, right? :) I am sure there is something that I can use that $60 on for Braden! HA!! Wish me luck! :)
You are NOT alone! I hated that thing. I used King sized pillows, too. Hang in there!