Monday, April 4, 2011

Mr. Brant Is 7 Weeks Old!

Mr. Brant was 7 weeks old on April 4th. :) My sweet little man is growing up! :)

He was 5 lbs 6 oz at his appt today...and 18 inches long. He has grown 3 inches already..hooray!! Keep growing little man...we need you to get very big and strong! :)

He is doing so awesome and we are so proud of him. We have been heading to the pediatrician every week to have him weighed and they are thrilled with his progress. Normal size babies gain about an ounce per day and preemies gain about a 1/2 ounce per day. Brant is gaining 1.4 oz per day on average, so that is the best news ever!! :) The pediatrician said she thinks he looks great and told us that he won't be small forever. :) She was pleased with where he is developmentally now as well (based on the fact that he is a preemie). He has a really strong neck and is trying to figure out how that works right now. :)

Brant still acts like a newborn at this point...mainly b.c I have not even gotten to my due date yet. He is doing what he would be doing inside of me-sleeping and eating so he can grow. We have to remind ourselves of that each day when we realize the difference in his real age and his gestational age.

We have been to his follow up appt on his eyes with Austin Retina. They check preemies after the NICU until they are full make sure their eyes are developing properly. They said he looked great and we got discharged from them. He has also been to the brand new developemental clinic here in Austin (they specialize in preemies). They track them based on their corrected age vs actual age so that is helpful. They also have physical therapists, a dietician, etc all at the same office so you can also utilize them if needed. Pretty neat concept, and a nice way to have another set of eyes on him.

Braden is completely in love with his brother and he is all over him all the time! LOL! :) He is always saying "Hi Baby Brant", and "Where is baby Brant?" He gets so excited when he sees him and wants to love on him constantly. We have to remind him to touch his feet and instead of his face and hands. He wants to kiss on him and just be around him as much as possible. It is seriously the sweeteet thing I have ever seen. I love it! :) It is one of those moments that just makes having those two boys all worth see them together. I cannot wait to watch them grow up together over the years! :)

We are thrilled with Brant's progress and cannot wait to see what this next month holds. I cannot believe my little man will already be 8 weeks next week!! What a big boy! :) We love you Brant! :)Learning how to be active and do different things for entertainment. :)Flowers that my sweet hubby sent me for Brant's 6 week b-day last week. Thank you Chris!! You are too good to me! :)

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