Monday, April 11, 2011

Bible Study Reunion..

I was in a bible study here in Austin about 6 years ago. We had a pretty large group that would meet in a wonderful couple's house from our church-Dennis and Jan. They were awesome to open their home each week...and they loved on all of us single folk! :)

Well over that year or two...people started dating (many couples formed within that bible study group). Before you knew it, a few more years had passed and most of the group was married and starting their families. It was fun to watch that all happen, and it is even more fun to look back on where we all were in life vs where we are now.

Joe and Lynnae were very gracious to host a reunion for everyone and their spouses/kids. It was a lot of fun to all get together and just hang out. The kids loved playing together in the back yard, and the everyone loved the food. :) We were missing some fun folks that were out of town and could not make it...but we pretended like they were there in spirit. :)

I forgot my camera but was able to take a couple of pics on my iPhone. They were not as good as I would have like (never are on a phone)..... so I borrowed a couple from my sweet friend Lynnae. :) She took some great ones! :)

Dennis and Jan with some of the munchkins....(not everyone was thrilled to be taking a pic that afternoon....ha!!)
The gang all posing for a shot. :)

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