Sunday, June 27, 2010

Good Times At 10 Months!

B. Bugbee turned 10 months today! HOORAY!! :) We are coming up on that year mark much quicker than I would like!! I cannot believe my little man is about to have his first milestone birthday! So much fun! Fun celebrations are a coming soon! :)

Of course we are still soaking up every ounce of time that we can with our sweet little man. How we love this kiddo! :) I have never had someone keep me in stiches the way that he can. And that smile just melts my heart every single time. I love it! :)

He is still a mover and a nothing has changed there. :) We have such fun watching him explore and figure out new things. What a little smartie he has become.

Some fun things about his 10th month:
  • He LOVES LOVES LOVES to play "I'm going to get you!!". Oh my goodness!! He wants you to chase him and tickle him. Tickling might be on the top of his list of favorites. :)
  • His laughter gets louder and more hearty everyday. He LOVES to laugh!! :)
  • He is trying sooo hard to say "book", "baby", and "ball". He almost has it. He will crawl or point to a book or ball..and then say the word. :) And at night when it is time to go to bed, all he says is "book" when we get into his room. :) He also likes "bye bye" and "uh oh".
  • He is just starting to be interested in crawling up the stairs. He can do it with a little help.
  • He loves to stand and is starting to cruise.
  • He loves to play "Braden is SO big" and lift his arms over his head. And he LOVES to clap for himself when he does something well! :) Or pretty much anytime! HA! :)
  • He loves to pull up, sit down, crawl all around! :)
  • Whenever music comes out, he is moving to it. Too cute.
  • He loves Peekaboo....and is good at covering himself up and hiding. :) Sometimes he makes us wait a little while before he makes his appearance from under the blanket! Ha!
  • He still loves all kinds of food and is such an awesome eater. His new fav is cottage cheese. He eats lots of fun finger foods like pancakes, lunchmeat, cheese, taco meat, etc.....and is getting closer and closer to being a part of our family meals on a regular basis. :)
  • He still talks a lot...LOVE it! :)
  • He still loves to kiss you...and it is still open mouth. :) But it is the most precious thing.
  • He does not know a stranger....he will go to pretty much anyone. :) I love that about him.

For his 10 month pics he wanted to pose with his two favorite things..the remote control and the phone. :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Want to give a huge shout out to all of the amazing dads out there!! Happy Father's Day to all of you!! :)

We celebrated in Lake Charles with my family for Father's all of the dads were there-Papa Jet, my bro, and my hubby. :) So nice. :) Chris got a gift certificate for a little bit of pampering and a nice razor shave. He is going to be so handsome! :) We hit up Lupe Tortilla in Houston on the way back home to Austin...and it was a yummy Father's Day dinner. :) Braden even ate lots of finger foods at the table in honor of Dad's Day! HA! :)
Speaking of dad's though....I know for a fact that I have the best dad in the world!! He has been with me through thick and thin...and he has helped me in more ways than I could ever imagined. He is so loving and so witty...and such a thoughtful and caring person. How did I get so lucky to have a man that raised me and always thought of me first? What a blessing he is!! I love you so much Dad!! :)

And Braden thinks he has the best dad in the world too (and he does!!). :) He wants to be sure his dad knows how incredible he is, and why he loves him so much!!

1) He plays with me all the time....and what fun we have!

2) He knows when I need a hug.

3) He reads me the best the best voices! :)

4) He knows how to tickle the best!!

5) He likes to take me fun places with Home Depot. I love to go places with him!

6) I feel safe when he is with me.

7) He makes me smile...A LOT!

8) He thinks I am the coolest baby around...and he shows it!

9) He is so much fun at bathtime.

10) And last but not least...he is the best dad b.c he is MY dad!! And he loves me soooo much! :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


This past weekend we had a surprise 60th birthday party for my sweet mom!! :) Our family traveled to Lake Charles for the festivities....and it was a huge success!! Mom was TOTALLY surprised and she even got a little teary eyed when she saw all of her family and friends....and her grandbabies. :) Too sweet.

Good times!! And very fun to celebrate and have some BBQ, beer, and dancing with 80 or so friends and family!! YAY!! :) So good to see everyone...and thank you so much for coming!! :) We love you Mom! :)

I took A TON of pics...but I will just post a few. :)
Folks are starting to arrive. Do we think she knows? :) Gotta have fun trees with all kinds of pics! Would not be fun without all of those! HA! :)MMMMMMM!!! :)SO SURPRISED!! Does not get better than that! :) So sweet! :)Mom went straight to her grandkids! HA! :) So fun!Jen and Aaron... :)Dad and Aunt Becky.....
Sara and Zech..... Daniel and Lindsay.....Aunt Pat and Sharon.......Some more fun family posing for me! :) Dad and Uncle Kenneth.....
Barbara and Melissa......Miss Lainey..... Mom being roasted by a co-worker. Too stinkin funny! :)Mom and B-man posing in front of the cake. Just before this pic was taken, Braden was clapping his hands in excitement for Mimi's birthday!! I think he thought the attention was all for him! LOL! :)Singing to the birthday girl! :) Dad giving his speech ....... Braden and me... :)Braden was definintely getting some attention at the party (and he LOVED it!!) He went to EVERYONE! HA!! :) He absolutely loved all the dancing, laughing, and singing!! SO FUN! :)Hanging out with Carl and Joyce...... My bro and sis in law, the lovebirds, dancing the night away. :) Chris and his cute mom..... :)Some of the kiddos hanging out...See...perfect example of how Braden got all the love that night! :)An attempt at a family pic....but not sure what face mom is making! LOL! :) Mom and her good friend Martha... :) On Sunday we rested from the crazy party Saturday night!! Such fun wore us all out! :) It was also Father's Day so we had to celebrate Chris, Cory, and my Dad!! YAY for FATHERS!! :)

Lainey was running all over the house showing her excitement for her daddy! :)
Taking a pic with her mama... :)Cory and Jen are expecting another super sweet bundle of joy on Dec 4th and we could not be more THRILLED!! What exciting news...and we are sooooo stoked for another niece or nephew!! HOORAY!! :) We love you guys!! Braden cannot wait for his new cousin! :)Braden loves Mom's fake fruit that she has. LOL! :)
Shoot...the fun is over and we have to head back home. :( Sad to leave!! we come! :) Are we there yet? :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Hardwood Heaven......

So we decided to do a little remodeling to the casa. :) What a better time than now, right? :)

We are happy with the change....out with the old carpet downstairs and in with the new hardwood floors! YAY!! We choose the hand scraped hardwoods so that when Braden throws all of this crazy toys on the ground, you won't be able to tell. Nice! :)

We used CC Carpet and we loved them! Would highly recommend!! The guys were very efficient and they completed the entire job within the hours of 10 am -5 pm!! WOW! :)

Here is the living room the night before the carpet was pulled up. We had to remove everything so that they could move all of our furniture the next morning. Bye carpet!! :)
And the process starts........And....the final product!! YAY!! Hardwood Heaven! :)