Sunday, June 13, 2010

Let CF Stand For Cure Found!!

On Saturday morning we headed out on our way to Fort Worth for the rest of the weekend. Good stuff and never a dull moment! :) We took the scenic route and stopped in Granbury on the way up there. We met up with Chris's dad for a yummy lunch at Babe's Chicken Dinner House on the square. We wanted Braden to give him some love, and we needed to give him his Father's Day present. :) It worked out well that he was in Granbury for the weekend for a wedding, and that we could meet up. Giving Papa Bugs his Father's Day present. Braden looks shocked that it is a canvas of him! LOL! :) After lunch we walked off a few calories as we made our way around the Town Square. Then we headed on to my brother and sister in law's house for some more fun! It was a very short weekend trip...but it was for a VERY important cause!! It was to walk in honor of our sweet niece Lainey in the annual Great Strides walk for Cystic Fibrosis. Our precious niece was diagnosed with the disease at about 2 months old, and we are so very thankful that she is doing so well. My brother and sister in law are very involved with the cause...and they do an incredible job of being involved with the annual walk, and raising an amazing amount of money for research. We are so proud of them and what they have done!! :)

We got there in the early afternoon so Lainey and Braden could have some fun together before the BBQ that night. :) Our fun friends Glenn and Denise were in town for the walk too. What a treat to see them! :)
Lainey's League is the name of the team!! GO, GO, GO!! :)
The walk on Sunday was great!! Cory and Jen had raised over $25,500 by that morning...and I am sure there will be more coming in. What an incredible achievement! WOW!! Way to go! :) We know that this money goes to a wonderful work towards a cure for Lainey and other children that battle this same disease each day. We pray every day for the perfect cure for everyone affected.
It was also awesome to see all of the walkers that came out in support of Lainey's League this year....YES!! :)
It was the third year for Lainey's League to participate in the walk, and it was so fun that it was Braden's first walk! He was showing his spirit!! :)
Our family along with Jen's parents........
The whole crew!! :)
Jen, Braden, and Chris.....
Mom, Matt, and Neal.... Jason and Carrie......
Much smiling was taking place..........
Time to walk!! :) Go Dad!!
The walk went all around the Ballpark in Arlington and the new Cowboys Stadium....
Lainey just hanging out in her wagon.....
Braden took a little snooze. :)
The Shores.... :)
The Manns..... :) Sweet mother/daughter time...... The Caskeys and the Moores..... :)
This is FUN! :) I love supporting my cousin Lainey! :)
My bro's completely crazy shoes! :)The Jaetzold's and The Caskey's........
Lainey! :)
Looking forward to Great Strides 2011!! Let CF stand for CURE FOUND!!! Many prayers for that to happen!! :) We love you Cory, Jen and Lainey!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Lainey's League is so inspiring! I'm totally misty eyed over here :o)

    AND I have totally eaten at that Babe's Chicken … so delish! My older sister and nephew live in Granbury … isn't it such a cute town?
