Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Showering Brides And Babies......

I had the fun of heading to 3 showers this past weekend...and getting to celebrate brides and babies!! YAY!! What fun it is to see people during the two most exciting times in their lives...right before they get hitched, and right before they have their first sweet bundle of joy!! What a blessing! :)

We had a lunch and mini shower for one of my co-workers on Friday. He and his wife are expecting a baby boy, Daniel, in July....and they are preparing for that. :) I forgot to bring my camera to take pics of the occasion...but I did take some pics of the fun that I had making a onesie and some bibs for baby Daniel. :) Our team also gave them their nursery bedding, so I bet they are all set to welcome the little one soon! :)
Then on Saturday, I headed to a bridal shower for my sweet friend Megan. Once again, I forgot my camera (not sure where my brain was this weekend)...and iPhone pics just never turn out good. :( So I am pictureless from that shower too, however, we did have fun showering Megan with gifts that she and her future groom can enjoy in just a few weeks! They are getting married on July 17th...so huge congrats to the future Chongs!! :) YAY!! :) Looking forward to the wedding!

Sunday I went to a baby shower for my fun friend Heidi!! First of all...how could we not be friends? We share the same name!! HA!! :) Hers is just missing one "i" on the end!! (Or maybe mine just has too many)! She was Braden's teacher when he first started school at 4 months old. :) She helped me through the craziness of sending my child off while I went to work. I knew that I could leave him b.c he was in great care with her! :) Heidi is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her baby girl, Emery, who will be joining the world on Monday, June 21st. We all cannot WAIT to meet her!! :) What an exciting time!!

The best news about this shower is that I FINALLY remembered to bring a camera! :)

Heidi looking all cute for the shower. :)
Sweet Meredith and her daughter Sophie. :) Are they not super cute? :)
Bags of treats for Emery......Yummy cake in honor of Emery. :)
Lots of pink....and oh so cute things. :)She is from S. Dakota so she got clothes for hot weather, cold weather, and S. Dakota weather! Too funny! :) I had to make fun clothes for Emery too because honestly, how can you NOT make treats for a baby girl??! They are so fun to dress up! :) And of course she needs to know that her initial is an "E". HA!Sophie helping her mama take notes of all of Heidi's fun gifts. Good luck Heidi!! Emery Hope is going to look PRECIOUS in everything that she got! Cannot wait to meet her! :)

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