Monday, June 7, 2010

Just A Few Weekend Pics....

The weekend was another bundle of fun...taking Mr. B places and just watching his reaction!! We love that.....and could spend so much time doing it! HA!! I love when all three of us can be together and just hang out.....and this was one of those weekends!! :) I had a few showers to go to.... but other than that we just got to play....good times!! :)

Here is the little mischevious smile that we seem to see a little more often these days. :) We went to the pool on Saturday morning to enjoy some family time before it got super busy. Braden LOVES the water!! :) He LOVES his new floatie.... :)
We headed out to Georgetown on Saturday night b.c we just had to dine in a new restuarant over the weekend!! It would not be a weekend in Austin if we did not get to accomplish that! HA! :) I just love that I have lived here for many years..and I am still able to find new places to go and eat. That is just so fun! I love this city! :)

Our Saturday night choice was Duke's Smokehouse.....and it was GOOD BBQ! :) Braden approved!! :) He loved all of the things that he got to taste! :)
The happy boys in my life! Love them! :)
More weekend fun to come soon! :)

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